

What does “Get Deal” mean?

Offers with an “Get Deal” button do not require a coupon code in order to receive the savings. These offers are sale alerts to let you know that you can find discounted prices already marked on the store’s website. In most cases, no additional discount will appear during the checkout process. Simply click the blue “Get Deal” button on EMUCoupon.com and you’ll be taken to the store’s website where you can do your shopping.

How much do you charge to use EMUCoupon.com?

EMUCoupon.com is a 100% free service. We NEVER collect bank account, credit card, or any other sort of payment information from anyone that uses our site or who registers to be a member.

I’m confused. How exactly does EMUCoupon.com work?

We aggregate coupon codes, sale alerts, and other offers so you can find them all in one place. While browsing our site, you’ll see two different types of offers…
Get Code – Offers with a “Get Code” button require a coupon code to receive the savings. Click the “Get Code” button, and a pop up will appear on the left side of your screen with the coupon code you need on it. Once you’ve got the item(s) you’re purchasing in your cart, copy the code from our pop up and paste it into the Coupon Code or Promotional Code box on the store’s website.
Get Deal – Offers with an “Get Deal” button do not require a coupon code in order to receive the savings. These offers are sale alerts to let you know that you can find discounted prices already marked on the store’s website. In most cases, no additional discount will appear during the checkout process. Simply click the “Get Deal” button on EMUCoupon.com and you’ll be taken to the store’s website where you can do your shopping.

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